Monday, March 14, 2011

Parent's evening, bugs, bad dad, shopping and work madness.

Parent's evening was very interesting - 10 appointments, 3 minutes each, with 3 minutes to allow for travel. Sounds easy, until you get parents jumping in because they see a space, and factor in the back logs caused by maths and english. Anyhow - off we set. the drama teacher greeted us with jazz hands, the IT woman had a very compacted colour coded spreadsheet and the R.E. teacher instantly recognised me as Maisie's parent. 

The bugs were all Maisie's - off sick from school for a couple of days - maybe the trauma of her parents meeting all her teachers brought it on. It did mean we had to stay away from my father for a few days for fear of infecting the whole home with Maisie's bugs. He compensated by buying a bottle of wine and sneaking it into the home in his sleeve! He's not supposed to drink too much with the medication he's taking. One of the carers grassed him up, and confiscated the wine. Poor thing.

We compensated by taking him shopping to buy a new watch. His had an unfortunate altercation with a washing machine. Into Chesterfield, and into a jewellers, they were lovely  - sat him down and brought out a selection. A gold elasticated strapped one was chosen, it has day date on so he can see what day it is - working this out has been a bit tricky lately. 

Monday - back to work. The lovely weather at lunch time (a bit brisk) provided an opportunity to walk around the block. Walking past a school, how lovely, all the little children at play. I spot a group of kids the other side of the play ground, clinging to the wire in what looks like a desperate plea for freedom. On further inspection I ascertain they are willing the escaped ball to leap back into the playground. on spotting me they chorus 'please can you throw our ball back?' - cute. I walk up to the ball with the sweet innocent children still pleading please can you get our ball, then one suggests I kick it back over the fence. Another little dear says, she cant do that, she' s an old lady! Bloody cheek! Resisting the urge to wedge the ball in a tree, I did actually throw the ball back (using my best netball skills - not my absent football ones). The gang ran off after the ball, very excited. One kid stayed at the fence to say thank you - faith in humanity restored.

Photos from a quick trip to Chatsworth gardens as they have reopened for the season. Chess needed to pee on every single bush, bless him, he really does deserve ice cream.

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