Tuesday, October 5, 2010

There isn't mushroom

We have had Leanne's parents staying with us, and for a couple of nights a friend from NZ and her daughter…all a bit of a squash. But cosy. There was one incident at 4 am of old man in underpants giving way to a lady of the house, both keen to have a pee. (I have to say, I was very grateful for the underpants as well as the first use of the loo)

Leanne's parents left today on the train to London, and leave a couple of days later for NZ. Getting them onto the train at Chesterfield was…entertaining? Stressful? Difficult? Challenging? Effortless? NOT the last one! You would think three cases and two adults could easily manage the task, but help was required. Lorraine first dispatched me to talk to the nice guard to recommend to them where to stand for the best access to carriage C. No help was forthcoming unfortunately. Then the train arrived. We shuffled them up to the required carriage, Leanne got on the train with some bags, I waited by the door after depositing the heaviest case on the train, 6 other people were trying to get on the train at the same time, then the refreshment cart person chose that time to come down the carriage - Leanne was trapped on the train, John was panicking, Lorraine had pottered off to find her seat, and I was left shoving the remaining passenger onto the train, and out the way so Leanne could get off! A little comedic perhaps, but took the edge of them leaving. They got to London without further incident, and all is well.

I had to go home and have a lie down, mind you, I do have a terrible cold, and now a cough to go with it - so grateful to have my own bed again. I blame the hygienically challenged new students for the cold, thay have been coming into the library with annoying questions to go with their germs - they seem to think we are only there to answer their questions.

Oh yes - for those mushroom lovers - it's the season - Mum keeps returning from the woods with giant boletus mushrooms and puffballs.

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