Well, we got a chip in the car windscreen, not that interesting. But - we have also needed to get new headlights. Driving to work was like looking through glasses that have just been cleaned by an optician (or if you've splashed out on some actual glasses cleaning spray rather than just clean them with your t-shirt) very lovely. But - that was nothing compared to driving home in the dark. It was like driving home in the day light, lovely shiny clean, clear lights and windscreen combined - magic!
Work has been full on with some training for a new library system taking up 4 hours without a break the other day. The highlight was the biscuits - the trainer declined saying "sorry I'm not allowed, and my wife will be checking my beard later" What a lovely image I thought. We discussed his potential options in a debriefing session (without the trainer there, I hasten to add), deciding his best course of secret biscuit eating could involve vacuuming his beard at a service station on the way home. Librarians…they are a devious bunch. I bet I can eat more pies than him.
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