Friday, April 1, 2011

Time for change, antiques, weddings and Mother's Day

A bit behind on my blogging - too busy getting used to the time change. The first morning was great, up with the larks, ignored the fact it was dark when getting up again, exercised, breakfasted, ready for work, all went smoothly. Then Tuesday hit. A completely different story. The novelty has worn off. A sluggish drag out of bed, a lack lustre breakfast, and everything at work was hard work. Now that's not right! But the good news is, it's Friday, how good is that?

We had the afternoon off - not Maisie she needed to go to school. Off to Buxton to explore the antique shops. After getting side tracked by the charity shops on the high street, we eventually got to where we remembered all the antique shops were. Yes were. There was one left, with all the other units full of shops full of stuff you don't need, and plenty of royal wedding memorabilia, which we do need apparently - if we are to believe the marketing! Humph.

Talking of weddings - the great news is  - my niece is getting married next year! She sent a message to female family members (the young ones) asking them to be bridesmaids. Curiously, me and Leanne were included in the email. I was reading the message on my phone, and I honestly thought I was being asked to be a bridesmaid. My heart started beating rather quickly, and I was finding it hard to breathe. When I scrolled down further, I saw it was Maisie who was being asked. Oh well, I guess middle aged lesbian bridesmaids are only required by a limited number of brides…one day I'll get to wear the shiny pink dress and have flowers in my hair again. Yes again, that's what the niece's parents made me wear at their wedding! Actually, the very last time I wore a dress.

Mothers day on Sunday. That means it's not safe to go to the supermarkets on Saturday evening. There will be too many fathers with the kids without the vaguest idea where the eggs and bacon are kept. The kids are too busy putting all the contraband stuff in the trolley usually banned by Mum to be of any help whatsoever. You can bet that the contraband will be eaten in the car so as not to be confiscated by the mother. Then the kids will either be sick, or have a big crash after a sugar high, or both, leaving the mother to clear up the mess. Maisie has it easy, we both know the way round a supermarket, and she knows how the coffee machine works.

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