Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's virtual love

The TomTom situation

We were driving to a friend's place in Marsden in the south Pennines, we decided to use the TomTom instead of the traditional trusted map. Off we set. The journey was without incident down to the bottom of the road. 'Jane' talked us through the junctions (I think Leanne has a crush on her).

It was well into our journey that the first altercation happened. Jane said "turn left" Leanne said "I'm not doing that, I want to go this way. Ahh - woops, maybe Jane was right." This happened several times throughout the journey. I actually found it quite reassuring - it isn't just my directions that Leanne ignores, she disregards the sat nav's as well. I'm beginning to warm to that Jane.

The Wii affair

We have been putting the Wii fit to good use, and I may have developed a crush on my personal trainer. What is it with us and these virtual chicks? If you were a passer-by and happened to look in and see one of us seemingly doing demented penguin impressions (in a vague attempt at one of the balance challenges), would you call an ambulance? Perhaps you should. Maisie is of course the best at EVERYTHING, but we are enjoying it and its helping with shedding pounds from the excess Christmas treat consumption.

The dog is really, not virtually, in love with sitting in front of the fire in his pyjamas - wonder where he gets that from?

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