It's been a bit parky, so I needed a scarf - little did I know that there are so many decisions which go along with scarf wearing - when did it all get so complicated? With fond memories of the knitted type received for Christmas, the vast array of colours and styles was the first obstacle. Which to choose, fluffy, holed, spotty, bobbly, acrylic, wool, tripe (Ok I made that one up - I'm not Lady Gaga!), not one came with a matching bobble hat. With my trusty side kicks in tow, we entered the menswear dept in Debehams - it soon transpired that my fashion consultants were attempting to choose scarves they had every intention of borrowing on a regular basis, humph.
I chose a striped number in the end - nice and simple, entirely my choice. BUT - the decisions never end - how does one tie the new scarf? It would appear there's an art. Round the neck a couple of times, like a tie, folded in half and shoved through - yes - I choose that one.
The scarf wearing family - looking rather dapper, went to Belfast for a couple of nights for a wee city break. Thanks to cheap flights and a late room booking. We lucked out with the seating arrangements getting on the budget flight - convinced we would be next to sputum guy stood in front of us in the queue, we were well clear of him. Now all we had to worry about was the pilot - he kept coming out of his little cabin lolling like he was washing his hands in an OCD fashion - maybe he had ended up next to sputum guy!
Belfast was lovely, great restaurants, very friendly folk, and easy to get around. We took a bus tour and saw loads of murals, regenerated buildings and some charming pubs - giving us inspiration for what to do on the way home. A delicious glass of guinness on tap - never quite the same when you are not in Ireland.
The photo is Maisie's pumpkin, enjoyed lighting it at 5pm and it was actually dark.
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