My birthday started well, with coffee and cake in bed. Then after picking up Maisie's best mate, it was time to top up the cake levels, a stop in at Garnet Station was required. Ginger Crunch - yum.
Then it was off to the art gallery where there were some very nice Goldie paintings, and some not so nice contemporary New Zealand paintings. I'm not sure there was one I liked, disappointing as there's so much good stuff around.
We then did a swop of Euthymol toothpaste for wine at my old bosses place - a very good trade indeed, I really cant understand the Euthymol attraction, but Tom's face lit up with delight when presented with it. (Weird)
Home in time to prepare for the pot luck supper before friends arrived. We had decided upon easy to cook open topped pies. As three of the expected guests were blokes, we made plenty. The thing is about a pot luck supper, is the luck element. And as luck would have it, Louise and Scrub also bought pies. Yay - pie central. The luck continues: with the friends being vegetarian, not only did we have plentiful pies, but the main filling of choice was spinach and feta cheese. Fortunately we had bread and oven fires for a bit of variety. I was sad there wasn't any rice or pasta to provide a full compliment of carbs, but a girl cant have everything.
Louise brought a massive pavlova for pudding which was demolished very nicely, all accompanied by more wine supplied by Phil and Malcolm, a very pleasant evening all round.
There appears to be a pudding theme developing here...
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