Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Starry Starry Night

Last night we had a power cut - right in the middle of watching 'Survivors'. We survived by lighting numerous candles, checking everything was switched off, and going to bed. When we went outside to see if the neighbours had power, the sky was just amazing. I'd forgotten just how many stars you are treated to in the northern hemisphere. Orion's belt and the plough (aka great bear) were as clear as anything, it was bloody cold though, -6 according to some website.

An early night wasn't such a hardship as we had all been swimming during the day. We decided it was time to check out the pool at Bakewell. Tuesday mornings promised 'ladies only', not sure we qualify but off we went.

It was all pretty quiet when we first arrived, and the first few lengths went by without incident. But then more 'ladies' started arriving. Half way through each length they seemed to multiply and swimming a lap turned into a very difficult maze challenge. Although all the ladies were doing lengths of a fashion, it was all at various speeds of slow. Every now and then they succumbed to the desire to stop and chat - in the middle of the pool.

Still, it felt good to get some exercise, and feel like the fittest occupants of the pool.

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